
10个绝佳地点 观赏跨年烟花

10个绝佳地点 观赏跨年烟花

广东民路的达士岭(The Pinnacle@Duxton)



1. 滨海湾中央岬(The Promontory@Marina Bay)


2. 亚洲文明博物馆(Asian Civilisation Museum)


3. 鱼尾狮公园(Merlion Park)


4. 滨海大道(Esplanade Waterfront)


5. 滨海湾螺旋桥(Helix Bridge)


6. 新加坡路边摊(Singapore Food Trail)


7. 邵氏豪华大厦停车场 (Shaw Towers)


8. 广东民路的达士岭 (The Pinnacle@Duxton)


9. 武吉宝美第101座 (Bukit Purmei)


10. 桥北路水仙门中心停车场 (High Street Centre)




Popular Fair 2012

Popular Fair 2012
Singapore Expo Hall 5B
10am - 10pm
15 - 18 Nov (Thu - Sun)

Asia Pacific Food Expo

Asia Pacific Food Expo 2012
Singapore Expo Hall 4
15 - 19 Nov 2012 (Thu - Mon)
11am - 10pm




易通公司(EZ-Link)首次与信用卡公司美国运通(American Express)合作,推出名为Imagine Card的预付卡。










Incentives for MRT commuters

More incentives for MRT commuters on off-peak travels

To encourage more commuters to take up off-peak travel on MRT trains, an incentive given out as part of an INSINC study has been doubled from November 1.

Incentives for Singapore's Commuters (INSINC) is a web-based study comprising a reward system where commuters earn credits based on the start times of their trips at MRT stations and the distance of their journeys.

The maximum cash prize for INSINC participants has been doubled from $100 to $200, and can be transferred directly to participants' bank accounts, if they choose to. Previously, cash rewards were credited into participants' EZ-Link cards.

Since January, more than $320,000 have been paid out.

In addition, more credits per kilometre are being given to participants, depending on the number of off-peak trips they make. Participants can get up to six credits per kilometre. Previously, all participants earned three credits per trip.

Also, the number of participants in INSINC have more than doubled, from 17,000 in June to 41,000 to date.

The Land Transport Authority said it hopes the study can eventually cover up to 60,000 commuters.

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~








名为“观看本地片”(Watch Local)的活动,将通过不同平台,放映28部本地制作的电影。

其中20部电影在嘉华院线、Objectifs摄影中心,以及艺术之家(The Arts House)上映,有多达12部是免费放映的。




在洛杉矶工作的本地导演杨敏芝的首部电影“When The Road Meets The Sun”。影片去年曾在2个国际电影节上得奖。

本地电影人林毅炜拍摄的澳门电影《轮盘》(Roulette City)。该片今年曾在日本上映,但没在本地上映。





Child’s Play


I Have Loved

The Man in the Cupboard

新新兵小传(Army Daze)

曦望(Sing To The Dawn)

Catherine Listening to the Rain

狂热迪斯科 (Forever Fever)

纯爱手冊 (The Teenage Textbook)


1 嘉华Sinema


2 Objectifs



3 艺术之家





How to Power Nap

Napping at work - A survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that about 30% of people are allowed to sleep at work, and some employers even provide a place for employees to nap. If your place of employment isn't nap-friendly, you can take a power-nap in your car.

Napping on the road - If you're driving find a rest area to park in. Don't park on the shoulder. Always turn off the car and put on the emergency brake. If it's nighttime, park in a well-lit area with plenty of people around and lock all of your doors. Turn off your mobile phone and any other potential distractions. If background noise is unavoidable and distracting, or if you suffer from tinnitus, putting on headphones with relaxing music may help.

If you're sleeping during the day and find that bright light inhibits your ability to sleep, wear sunglasses or use an eye mask to simulate darkness.

~Info courtesy of Wikihow~ 


Bus, train services on Hari Raya Haji eve

Operating hours of bus, train services on Hari Raya Haji eve extended

SBS Transit will extend the operating hours of its bus and train services on the eve of Hari Raya Haji on October 25.

On the North East Line (NEL), the last train in the direction of HarbourFront will leave Punggol Station at 12.02am, Serangoon Station at 12.13am, Dhoby Ghaut Station at 12.25am and Outram Park Station at 12.31am.

The last train towards Punggol will leave HarbourFront Station at 12.29am, Outram Park Station at 12.32am, Dhoby Ghaut Station at 12.38am and Serangoon Station at 12.50am.

Services on the Punggol and Sengkang LRT systems will end later to coincide with the last train arrivals on NEL.

The last train on the Sengkang LRT will depart the Town Centre Station at 1.05am while the last train on the Punggol LRT will leave the Town Centre at 1.07am.

To complement the extension of the train operating hours, the last bus timings of 26 selected bus services will also be extended - Nos. 51A, 60A, 63M, 181, 222, 225G, 228, 229, 232, 238, 240, 241, 243G, 261, 269, 282, 291, 292, 293, 315, 325, 333, 334, 358, 359 and 410W.

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~












呐喊瓶(Scream Bottle):让你抒发压力,无论是多大声的呐喊,都会被材料“灭音”。

冰块包(Bio Cooling Ice Pack):把冰块放在包包里,放置在风扇后面,可以让温度在10秒钟内迅速下降。



Qoo10 Singapore (Gmarket) promo!

Stride Rite Warehouse Sale

John Little Mega Expo Sale

John Little Mega Expo Sale

10.30am to 10pm
11 - 21 Oct 2012
Singapore Expo Hall 6
Free Admission

Travel Malaysia 2012

Travel Malaysia 2012

11am to 9pm
12 - 14 Oct 2012
Singapore Expo Hall 5B
Free Admission

Kusu Island Ferry Schedule

Daily Ferry Schedule

Departures - Monday to Friday

Marina South Pier
(1) 10.00am
(2) 2.00pm
St John's Island 
(Departure Time from Island)
(1) 10.45am
(2) 2.45pm#
Kusu Island 
(Departure Time from Island)
(1) 12.00pm
(2) 4.00pm#
Departures - Saturday

Marina South Pier
(1) 9.00am
(2) 12.00pm
(3) 3.00pm
St John's Island 
(Departure Time from Island)
(1) 9.45am
(2) 12.45pm
(3) 3.45pm#
Kusu Island 
(Departure Time from Island)
(1) 11.30pm
(2) 2.30pm
(3) 4.30pm#
Departures - Sunday and Public Holiday

Marina South Pier
(1) 9.00am
(2) 11.00am
(3) 1.00pm
(4) 3.00pm
(5) 5.00pm
St John's Island 
(Departure Time from Island)
(1) 9.50am
(2) 11.50am
(3) 1.50pm
(4) 3.50pm
(5) 5.50pm#
Kusu Island 
(Departure Time from Island)
(1) 10.15am
(2) 12.15pm
(3) 2.15pm
(4) 4.15pm
(5) 6.15pm#
#Marks all last departures of the day.

Our Rates

S$15 for Adult
S$12 for children under 12

All rates listed are inclusive of island entry fee.

Ticketing Office

Singapore Island Cruise and Ferry Services Pte Ltd
#01-04 Marina South Pier
Tel: 6534 9339
Fax: 6534 9119


上网登记易通卡 弄丢不怕被盗用

上网登记易通卡 弄丢不怕被盗用














Malaysia Legoland public transport

Call for more youths to donate blood

Call for more youths to donate blood

Singapore Red Cross (SRC) and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) hope to increase the number of youth donors to 35 per cent by 2014.

Youths, or those aged 16 to 25, currently make up about 30 per cent of the donor population.

The plan to increase the number was revealed at Friday's official opening of a new satellite blood centre at Dhoby Xchange, officially opened by Health Minister Gan Kim Yong.

Located in Dhoby Ghaut MRT station, the new blood bank's targeting shoppers and students by making blood donation more convenient.

With the centre close to schools like the Singapore Management University, SRC plans to work with youth groups to organise public blood drives, road-shows and talks.

The Red Cross said one challenge in attracting youth donors is their lack of information about the importance of blood donation.

And as such, it is working with the Education Ministry to include the importance of blood donation in the primary school curriculum.

The first satellite blood donation centre opened in Woodlands in 2011.

HSA said the Bloodbank@Woodlands contributed 10 per cent of the total blood collection last year. And that almost 90 per cent of the donors are repeat donors, most of whom have visited the centre at least twice to donate blood.

And there are plans to open three more of such centres in the east and west of Singapore.

HSA's group director for Blood Services Group, Dr Diana Teo, said: "It's actually all about convenience. Convenience in having a comfortable place to donate blood at. What we want to do is make it easily accessible so people can just meet each other, donate blood, and then maybe go for coffee, tea or dinner."

Blood donor Elias Ye said: "The location is actually more important. Being at Dhoby Ghaut - located in town - means you shop halfway and you see the blood donation centre and you actually might be reminded that actually it's time for you to donate blood."

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~


新加坡下个月起 飞不丹无需转机

新加坡下个月起 飞不丹无需转机




客机昨天首次登陆新加坡,随行的嘉宾包括不丹公主扬宗(Chimi Yangzom Wangchuck)、不丹资讯及通讯部长,以及多名高级政府官员。

游不丹有最低消费 每人每天200美金


专门代理不丹旅行团队的Druk Asia负责人尊尼哈里申(Joni Herison)说,旅游旺季的往返机票约1550元。他指出,不丹政府规定,每名游客每天至少200美金的最低消费,其中35%用在不丹的建设上。 往返不丹班机时间




逾半数国人 上网找便宜

逾半数国人 上网找便宜










苹果购大批屏幕 iPhone 5下月推出

苹果购大批屏幕 iPhone 5下月推出
万众期待的iPhone 5终于在下个月推出。(图/苹果公司)

(综合电)盛传苹果公司将于下月12日发布iPhone 5,过往为苹果产品生产显示屏的韩国LG公司,近日表示正为一神秘顾客大量生产显示屏,更添有关传闻的真确性。因为预料这款显示屏,将成为新一代iPhone的配备之一。



平价办台湾食品节 促销产品多达60种

平价办台湾食品节 促销产品多达60种










Army Open House comes to city

Army Open House comes to city

The Army’s High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or Himars, packs a punch during a media preview at the dynamic show section of the Army Open House. (PHOTOS: THE STRAITS TIMES)

It won't be Formula One cars zipping by the F1 Pit Building this weekend, but the Singapre Armed Forces' (SAF's) Leopard tank, and Apache assault helicopters as part of a mock storming of an "enemy" building.

For the first time, the army is organising its Open House outside of a military camp and in the city area to allow the public easier access.

It has also worked with transport operators SMRT and SBS Transit to increase train and bus frequencies to the Marina Bay area.

This year's edition of the Open House is themed Fathers And Sons, to celebrate 45 years of national service (NS).

The organising chairman, Brigadier-General (BG) Yeo See Peng, said: "The army is the backbone of NS...where generations of NSmen have provided the peace and security and we want to carry on and celebrate the tradition."

He hopes that the event, which took six months of preparation, will attract more families. 

Demonstrations, exhibitions and rides have been lined up to give visitors a taste of army operations and its history. 

For the first time, the public can take short rides on the infantry Terrex vehicle, as well as take to the sea with the Fast Craft Utility, a Navy vessel that supports land operations.

Visitors looking for more action can expect to be treated to a 30-minute dynamic defence show, complete with special effects, put up three times a day.

The show will simultaneously display an array of the army's modern armament, such as the Terrex, the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System and bomb- disposal equipment.

Visitors could try their hand at a "gunbattle" using the Paintball Engagement System or test their shooting skills using the Tactical Engagement System. A mini obstacle course is also set to thrill kids.

Additionally, a time-tunnel exhibit which features a multimedia display, a history gallery and a recognition hall has been put up to showcase the evolution of the SAF and celebrate the past sacrifices and commitment of NSmen.

About 300 NSmen have been roped in as roving ambassadors to share their NS experiences with the public at the Open House.

The Open House will be open to the public from 9am to 8pm. Admission to the Open House and all rides is free.

~News courtesy of Omy~


第27届新加坡书展吸引百多展商 首次设电子出版专区




首次到本地参展的香港光波24书网(24 Readers),电子藏书就有超过5万本中港台潮流书籍杂志。



S'pore, Colombia ink air travel deal

S'pore, Colombia ink air travel deal 

SINGAPORE: The airlines of Singapore and Colombia will have the flexibility to operate any number of direct passenger services between both countries. 

They can also operate, under certain restrictions, up to seven weekly passenger services and seven weekly cargo services between, and beyond, both countries. 

These have been made possible by an Air Services Agreement (ASA) between Singapore and Colombia. 

The agreement was signed by Singapore's Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Transport Lui Tuck Yew and Colombia's Minister of Foreign Affairs María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar on Monday. 

The signing took place on the sidelines of a state visit by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Calderón. Mr Santos is on a three-day state visit to Singapore, from Sunday to Tuesday. 

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~

Popular Bookstore Promotion

忙碌上班族流行 个人化旅游配套

忙碌上班族流行 个人化旅游配套






Quotient Travel Planner: 

去年有大约600人选择个人化旅游,比前年多了35%。较受欢迎的地方是欧洲与日本。 旅行社可以根据顾客提供的个人旅游喜好、饮食与住宿要求、预算等代为规划。 


下来几年,个人化旅游配套会与自由行的需求不相上下。 公司曾为顾客策划到台湾、越南萨帕(Sapa)等地骑脚踏车、到法国品尝美酒等。这类特别主题的旅游需求,预料会逐年增加5%至10%。 


这类配套占业务的比率还不到一成,但需求逐年增加约三成。 这类顾客当中,不少是旅游经验丰富的人,他们喜欢与家人或相熟的朋友同游,对旅游有自己的想法。 





本地首例 红山景小贩中心设美食网站   









New veggie home growing idea

AVA introduces new veggie home growing idea

Some of the vegetables which can be grown include mint, basil and Chinese cabbages.

All that is needed are some water pipes, soil and seedlings. An irrigation system can also be installed in the pipe.

AVA said the water pipes cost about S$5 to S$7, and the seedlings about four cents each.

Poh Bee Ling, assistant director of the Horticulture Technology Division at AVA, said: "We are looking at systems for growing (vegetables) in confined spaces, so if you look at it, this is stackable. So we can plant vertically and it uses a smaller space to grow your vegetables.

"Of course, you have to be consistently water your plants. Plants, especially vegetables, need to be watered everyday for good growth."

This is part of a move to encourage more Singaporeans to grow vegetables at home.

It is also part of the Minister of State for National Development and Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan's "Cool Ideas for Better HDB Living" initiative.

Mr Lee has also experimented with growing vegetables in his home since February.

He said: "AVA and NParks will do their part in terms of educating the RC, on how to grow certain plants in their own gardens. Apart from that, we'll also make available information online on the AVA and NParks website, so that people can find out some of the DIY tips. Later on, we will also introduce some of the other commercial solutions that are available today."

"We need some of these solutions to be tailored to our environment, because we are urban, we are tropical, and we don't have a lot of space to lay out a farm like this. So I think we need to customise and hopefully, some of these solutions will turn out to be effective."

Experts said it takes about 20 to 40 days for the vegetables to be ready for harvest.

As a pilot project, the "Veggie Pipe" system was introduced to the Urban Redevelopment Authority's roof-top community garden in February 2012.

A competition is also on till the end of April for the public to submit ideas on how they can grow vegetables at home. A guide on how to set up your own "Veggie Pipe" will also be available from Friday on AVA's website and Facebook page.

There are also other commercially available vegetable home growing kits, such as the Minigarden and the Planter-Cell Wall.

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~







Adidas, Nike, Reebok Puma, Sale


Euro Cup 2012 watch for FREE

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RCTI (Batam) - UHF Ch 43, 647.25 MHz



Top up cashcard at carpark exit

CashCard out of value? Top it up at carpark exit

Motorists will soon be able to avoid the hassle of leaving their vehicles to top up their Nets CashCards at terminals when faced with insufficient funds to pay their parking fees at carparks.

Nets yesterday announced that it is working with carpark payment-solution providers to enable Nets EFTPOS payment at the point of exit.

EFTPOS stands for Electronic Funds Transfer at Point-of- Sale.

Nets EFTPOS will allow motorists to top up their Nets CashCards using their Nets ATM cards directly at the exit, to pay parking fees.

A motorist will have to insert his Nets ATM card into the fee machine and key in his PIN number, in order to do so.

However, the new payment option will be made available only when there are insufficient funds in a motorist's CashCard to pay the parking fee.

Mr Ang Sok Hong, vice-president of sales and partnership at Nets, said: "What we're doing is giving them (motorists) greater convenience so that they have other (payment) options.

"Carpark operators also benefit from implementing the Nets EFTPOS payment system as it allows them to reduce the resources needed to man carparks."

~News courtesy of Omy~

POSB & DBS tea parties

POSB and DBS clients, get ready for tea parties

Don't be surprised to hear of talks on fengshui, or even a tea party, being held at a POSB or DBS Bank branch near you.

Under a new operating model, managers at all POSB and DBS branches have been given the autonomy to organise and tailor activities to cater to the interests of their customers.

This was revealed at a media briefing held yesterday at DBS Building. Piloted at 12 POSB branches last year, the initiative was rolled out to all 67 POSB and DBS branches in January.

For instance, Ms Joycelyn Tan, POSB business manager at the Compass Point branch, organised a fengshui talk in January to complement the Chinese New Year festivities.

But such activities are not solely for fun and games, as they allow the branch's staff to interact with customers, and gain a better understanding of their banking needs, said Ms Tan.

Each POSB branch spans about 2,600 sq ft and serves some 120,000 regular customers. POSB said it has enhanced its centres which are smaller versions of its branches that do not provide financial-planning services.

Two service staff members have been assigned to each centre to provide basic banking services, such as ATM-card replacement and account opening.

At the briefing, POSB and DBS also revealed that their automated teller machines (ATMs) are being upgraded to read the EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) smart chips that are being installed progressively in all their ATM cards.

~News courtesy of Omy~


最轻松的兼职工 代人排队1小时赚30元

最轻松的兼职工 代人排队1小时赚30元


目前市面上的兼职工很多,一般上如果是在快餐店打工,每小时可赚不超过5元,如果是在电话中心(call centre)打工,每小时可得9元。有一些行业的兼职工薪酬则介于6元至12元之间。






iPhone 5 6月面世

iPhone 5 6月面世

消息人士指,苹果iPhone 5将会在6月面世,而且会加大屏幕,以便跟劲敌三星的旗舰智能手机Galaxy系列一较高下。

美国科罗拉多州一名女子的iPhone 4在通宵充电时,无故自燃焚毁,当时她听到“噝噝声”响,就听到一下爆炸声,iPhone冒烟,发出像咽下塑胶的腐臭味。她要求苹果赔偿一部iPhone 4S,并警告消费者iPhone 4有自燃问题,但苹果只肯赔偿一部新iPhone 4了事。






新电信mio TV和ESPN STAR Sports合作,通过13个频道免费为订户播放超过3200个小时的奥运转播节目,公众可以观赏到所有26个体育中的302个项目,即使是初赛或预赛等赛事也会大量转播。




Jobsdb.com Career Expo 2012



新ipad本月16日面世 我国是首批发售国家

不是“iPad 3”,也不是“iPad HD”,苹果公司昨天发表第3代iPad产品,是升级版的全新ipad(The New ipad),并宣布于本月16日正式公开销售,价格保持不变。



整体来说,新款的ipad外型虽然跟iPad 2相去不远,但在硬体功能方面则大幅提升,包括:
- 加入Retina视网膜显示屏。
- 配备了全新语音控制功能。
- 支持4G LTE网络。
- 500万像素的摄像头。

画质细密程度 高过全高清电视



在处理器方面,新款iPad搭载A5X处理器。上代iPad则是A5处理器。苹果表示,A5X处理器的速度比全球首款4核处理器Tegra 3的速度快2倍,性能则是Tegra 3的4倍。



Offside Futsal Park opens under Thomson Flyover

Offside Futsal Park opens under Thomson Flyover

Football enthusiasts can now play futsal, or indoor soccer, under the Thomson Flyover.

This is the first time a vacant land parcel under a flyover has been made available for commercial use.

The new Offside Futsal Park sits on the former site of Whitley Hawker Centre.

It is a pilot project by the Singapore Land Authority to see how more of such land can be put to better use.

The park cost about half a million dollars and took four weeks to build.

Each of the four futsal courts can be rented by the hour at the rate S$60 to S$90.

Peak-hour rate is S$90.

Developers of the park said they are hoping to build refreshment and shower facilities on-site.

They also said they believe the park's street-feel and location will appeal to football enthusiasts.

Derek Cheong, director, Business Development, Offside Futsal Pak, said: "Singapore is a land-scarce location, so it's good to increase the land utility under flyovers. So we chanced upon this, and since demand is really huge in Singapore for futsal, for soccer basically, so we thought it's a good chance for us to go into the business and meet these demands."

Thomas Jacques, footballer, Singapore Soccer Academy, said: "I like that it's underneath a bridge. I'll probably come back with my team, or I'll come back to have a kick around."

~News courtesy of Channel Newsasia~