
Run Bike Swim Expo

20-22 May 五月 Mei 2011
Expo Hall 4B 博览中心4B展厅
11am – 8pm

Telephone: 6372 6388
Fax: 6227 3468
Email: info@hivelocity.com.sg
Website: www.runbikeswimexpo.com

Bringing together a showcase of the largest range of consumer sporting brands, RunBikeSwim Expo is the annual sporting exposition that highlights innovative sports equipment and fashion, sports services and sports events to sports enthusiasts. IT’S ALL ABOUT INNOVATION.

With the widest range of sports products and services offered to consumers, RunBikeSwim Expo provides the booming number of sports enthusiasts in Asia access to sports products and services to enhance their sporting lifestyle and pursuits.

Sundown Marathon 2011

The RunBikeSwim Expo is held in conjunction with the Race-Entry Pack Collection for Sundown Marathon 2011.

