Sands Expo to host largest orchid event
Sands Expo to host largest orchid event
BESIDES having a rare chance to view about 50,000 breeds of orchids, visitors to the largest event in the international orchid calendar can also be the first to check out Singapore's latest tourist attraction in November before it opens officially next year.
Tickets to the 20th World Orchid Conference (20WOC) will come with complimentary access to the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay, 20WOC organisers told reporters at the Botanic Gardens yesterday. The 1.2ha Flower Dome slightly larger than two football fields will be open to 20WOC ticket-holders only for the duration of the event (see right).
The largest garden, Bay South, will be open to the public in June next year. Other parts of the Gardens will be opening in phases. This is the second time the conference, to be held from Nov 14 to Nov 20 at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre, is coming to Singapore. It was last held here in 1963.
The triennial event, which will cost $8 million to be held, will showcase orchids from 23 countries. A new orchid hybrid (right) was specially created for and named after the conference.
The organisers said Singapore was chosen not just because of the country's historical links to the flower, but also because of its importance as an orchid producer it is the third-largest exporter of fresh orchids in the world.
Dr Kiat W. Tan, the chairman of the 20WOC organising committee and chief executive officer of Gardens by the Bay, said: "By hosting the event...we are moving away from being an orchid-production centre to a world marketplace for orchids, where people come to buy and sell orchids."
~News courtesy of Omy~
BESIDES having a rare chance to view about 50,000 breeds of orchids, visitors to the largest event in the international orchid calendar can also be the first to check out Singapore's latest tourist attraction in November before it opens officially next year.
Tickets to the 20th World Orchid Conference (20WOC) will come with complimentary access to the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay, 20WOC organisers told reporters at the Botanic Gardens yesterday. The 1.2ha Flower Dome slightly larger than two football fields will be open to 20WOC ticket-holders only for the duration of the event (see right).
The largest garden, Bay South, will be open to the public in June next year. Other parts of the Gardens will be opening in phases. This is the second time the conference, to be held from Nov 14 to Nov 20 at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre, is coming to Singapore. It was last held here in 1963.
The triennial event, which will cost $8 million to be held, will showcase orchids from 23 countries. A new orchid hybrid (right) was specially created for and named after the conference.
The organisers said Singapore was chosen not just because of the country's historical links to the flower, but also because of its importance as an orchid producer it is the third-largest exporter of fresh orchids in the world.
Dr Kiat W. Tan, the chairman of the 20WOC organising committee and chief executive officer of Gardens by the Bay, said: "By hosting the event...we are moving away from being an orchid-production centre to a world marketplace for orchids, where people come to buy and sell orchids."
~News courtesy of Omy~
本地历来最大型兰花展 世界兰花大会年底来新

届时,持票公众也能优先参观明年6月才正式开放的滨海湾花园“花穹”(Flower Dome in Gardens by the Bay)。
二度举办世界兰花大会 我国成唯一亚洲城市
为了欢庆本届大会,主办单位特别推出了以大会命名的新混种兰花“第20届世界兰花大会新加坡2011火焰兰”(Renanthera 20WOC Singapore 2011)。公众可在展览会上一睹火焰兰的风采。
第20届世界兰花大会将于11月13日至11月20日在滨海湾金沙会议与展览中心举行。门票已从7月13日起开始发售,公众可上网http://www.20woc.com.sg/site/ 或到新加坡植物园购票。
成人 - $15
乐龄人士、身高0.9米以上孩童 - $9
家庭(两名成人加三名乐龄人士或小孩)- $42
成人 - $20
乐龄人士、身高0.9米以上孩童 - $12
家庭(两名成人加三名乐龄人士或小孩)- $58
- 全国职工总会、新加坡公共服务学院、人协百胜卡(Passion Card)、内政团队战备人员协会(HomeTeamNS)和战备军协(SAFRA)会员可享有10%折扣。
会议收费介于 $80 到 $300 (8月1日或以前注册),之后则介于 $100 到 $400。
届时,持票公众也能优先参观明年6月才正式开放的滨海湾花园“花穹”(Flower Dome in Gardens by the Bay)。
二度举办世界兰花大会 我国成唯一亚洲城市
为了欢庆本届大会,主办单位特别推出了以大会命名的新混种兰花“第20届世界兰花大会新加坡2011火焰兰”(Renanthera 20WOC Singapore 2011)。公众可在展览会上一睹火焰兰的风采。
第20届世界兰花大会将于11月13日至11月20日在滨海湾金沙会议与展览中心举行。门票已从7月13日起开始发售,公众可上网http://www.20woc.com.sg/site/ 或到新加坡植物园购票。
成人 - $15
乐龄人士、身高0.9米以上孩童 - $9
家庭(两名成人加三名乐龄人士或小孩)- $42
成人 - $20
乐龄人士、身高0.9米以上孩童 - $12
家庭(两名成人加三名乐龄人士或小孩)- $58
- 全国职工总会、新加坡公共服务学院、人协百胜卡(Passion Card)、内政团队战备人员协会(HomeTeamNS)和战备军协(SAFRA)会员可享有10%折扣。
会议收费介于 $80 到 $300 (8月1日或以前注册),之后则介于 $100 到 $400。
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